Archive for April, 2015

Welcome to Webelos Weekend May 1-3 at Camp Bromelsick

archeryrock wallbb gun tomahawks
Troop 55 Scouts and Scouters: We will meet at the cabin 5:30pm Friday May 1 for departure. Bring your permission slips and money for your quartermasters. We return on Sunday the 3rd at 11am.  The weather will be perfect about 77 degrees on Saturday.
Cub masters: You will find everything you need under the Webelos Tab including the two day agenda. Then surf our recent campout and photos tab to see what Troop 55 Scouts have been up to lately. Thanks, for visiting our site!

Welcome to Webelos Weekend info. is found under Webelos Information Tab

www patchThis is the Patch the Webelos will receive at the Campout
Hi, if you came here for information on the Welcome to Webelos Weekend hosted by Troop 55, just click on the tab above that says: Webelos Information, then click on the Welcome to Webelos Weekend script above the cool staff t-shirt pictures. You will find everything you need there including the two day agenda. Then surf our recent campout and photos tab to see what Troop 55 Scouts have been up to lately. Thanks, for visiting our site!

Quidditch Campout Updates: Dinner Saturday Night

chili dog

1.  New plans for dinner on Saturday night: The Troop will buy the food and organize dinner for Saturday night. 

2.  Patrols do not need to buy anything for dinner Saturday night. Each Quartermaster will have to hold back $2 per person in their patrol to pay for dinner and give it to MarSue Mackey when they check in. 

3.  This means that each patrol Quartermaster is only responsible for picking up breakfast and lunch on Saturday, then breakfast on Sunday.
4. We will arrive back at the Church at 11:30 on Sunday to avoid the Church service parking issues per Mrs. Mackey.

Merit Badge Cards due Monday Night April 13

game blue

This is a reminder from Mr.Pfeifer (Advancement Chair) that tomorrow night’s meeting is your last chance to turn in any completed Merit Badge cards for the upcoming Court of Honor on April 27. Bring your workbooks for Cooking, Cit. in the Nation, Cit. in the World, Wilderness Survival, or any others that you have not finished with your counselors and meet with them at the April 13 meeting.


Quidditch Camp Out April 17-19


Quidditch Campout this weekend April 17-19. Get ready for the sorting ceremony, Quiddtich training Saturday morning, and tournament play Saturday afternoon. 54 Scouts signed up so far!

From the Quidditch Campout Honchos: Meet at cabin at 5:30 pm Friday (eat supper before arriving); Return and pick up at 11:00 AM Sunday morning at Cabin.
Location:  Peterson campsite at Bromelsick
Permission forms are due next Monday, April 13 (attached).  If your son is attending the camp out, please bring $10 (1-$5, 5-$1) for his quartermaster on Monday to pay for patrol food.
Scouts, Simon and Ben are your campout Honchos! Adults, Mrs. Mackey and Mrs. Nau are your campout Honchos.

Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast – Saturday April 25th


This is our big fundraiser so sell those tickets! Go out today and sell ’em all!

Monday Night Meeting April 13 – 7pm

Quidditch Campout Prep and setting up tents for inspection!

Meeting 4/6/15

All SPL, Patrol Leaders, Quartermaters, and Troop Guides come at 6:00 for PLC.

The regular meeting is a 7:00. Bring your completed merit badge items to finish up merit badges. There will be a discussion of the Welcome to Webelos weekend.